Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A Couple of Things

1) This

Cliffs Notes: The Ministry of Education straight up cancelled classes in the entire country for today, tomorrow and Friday for everybody from primary to university. They also said hangout spots should be shut down for the next few days. This is because there is a drought in the Azuero/Veraguas/Panama Oeste area and we want to conserve hydroelectric power. (We're just finishing dry season over here, rainy season is beginning to kick up.) Because of this, I magically have three more free days than I planned for. It comes at a price. a) I don't have any friends yet, so I might be a little bit more bored than I would like (waaahhh I just got here) and b) these days are going to come out of the week long break I WAS going to have between trimesters. On the bright side, I did just have music time with my host brother today, and I got my host sister to read an entire paragraph.

2) The rat. I underestimated the dexterity of rats. Clearly I'm a rookie in the game, and I don't have a whole lot of experience with this. It's not a problem for them to climb the scaffolding in my room, as awkward as it is to do. I did not realize that this ability was in the rat skill set. I opened my bedroom door and turned on the light today, and the thing was pretty much chillin in the middle of my ceiling awaiting my arrival. Then he scurried back over the wall, waiting for the opportune moment to reoccupy his corner. I'm just going to have to live with him, because the evidence suggests that efforts to remove him will prove futile. He has his ways of getting back in, any time he feels like it. I'm going to give him a name. As long as he doesn't poop on me or climb in my bed, we'll be okay.

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